Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sea World

Sorry I know this is a bit late, but better late then never. So we went to Sea World about 3 weeks ago now. Madelyn was very excited to go and see the all the animals. We got there on Friday and spent the afternoon on the River Walk. Then got up Saturday morning and headed for Sea World. The morning started off a little bit rough was Madelyn was not in a very good mood but that all changed as soon as she saw the dolphins and got to feed them. I have posted a few pictures from the trip and I will add more soon.
Madelyn was very excited about going to Sea World!!!

Outside Sea World waiting on daddy and Pop to buy our tickets to get in.

Looking at the dolphins this was Madelyn favorite thing about Sea World. She wanted to pet one so bad but every time she had the chance she would chicken out after seeing their teeth.


  1. Very cute lindsey. She is getting to be such a big girl! I just can't believe it.

  2. I found your blog from Kristen's! I am glad we are all blogging since we never get to see each other anymore! :)

    Glad y'all are doing well!
